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In this Q&A session with Rosa Faizzad, the fashion designer shares her journey into fashion and the inspiration behind her brand, ROSA FAIZZAD. Rosa was motivated by a lack of successful, unapologetically feminine role models, which led her to create a brand celebrating femininity as strength. ROSA FAIZZAD aims to empower women through elegant, purposeful clothing that emphasizes classic, timeless styles with bold, feminine details. Rosa believes fashion can communicate identity, values, and aspirations, and her designs focus on ambitious women, including royals and top professionals. She discusses the importance of colour psychology and self-expression, challenging societal norms to prove that femininity and success can coexist. Rosa aspires for ROSA FAIZZAD to be the go-to brand for bold, ambitious women, bridging the gap in the fashion industry and promoting personal branding through clothing.

Beginning the Fashion Journey

We started the interview by asking, “Can you share with us how your journey into fashion began?

Rosa Faizzad replied, “From a young age, I felt a strong sense of purpose and ambition, but I often struggled to find role models who were both successful and unapologetically feminine. Many successful women I saw seemed to adopt a more masculine demeanour, which was disheartening for someone like me who valued femininity. This lack of representation frustrated me because I believed that women shouldn’t have to sacrifice their femininity to achieve success or have to compromise their self-worth to feel valued. I saw no reason why being feminine, elegant, and ambitious couldn’t coexist.

Additionally, I felt that existing fashion was often either too bland or overly revealing, which didn’t resonate with my idea of feminine, elegant, and purposeful fashion. This realization inspired me to create something meaningful in the fashion world, something that would allow women to embrace their true selves while pursuing their dreams. I envisioned a fashion brand that celebrated femininity as a strength and empowered women to be confident, feminine, and authentic.

This vision led to the creation of ROSA FAIZZAD, a brand dedicated to helping women express their identities and ambitions through elegant and empowering clothing.”

Overcoming Inexperience to Empower Women

The Worlds Times: What motivated you to start ROSA FAIZZAD despite having no prior experience in fashion or entrepreneurship?

Rosa Faizzad replied, “My motivation stems from a strong belief that I have an important mission to accomplish. I feel a deep responsibility to contribute and support women in their pursuit of creating a better life for themselves and others. We need more successful female role models to inspire the next generation of young girls. I am driven by the conviction that my work is not only necessary and important but also my true calling and passion that I must pursue wholeheartedly.

Challenges have never discouraged me; instead, I focus on overcoming them. In today’s world, with the rise of technology, anyone can learn anything—it all depends on our motivation. This mind-set, combined with relentless hard work, dedication, and determination, helped me acquire the necessary skills and start my own brand. It’s this drive that has brought ROSA FAIZZAD to where we are today.”

The Deeper Impact of Fashion

The Worlds Times: How do you perceive the role of fashion beyond its aesthetic appeal?

Rosa Faizzad replied, “Fashion, to me, is a powerful form of communication that transcends mere beauty. It serves a deeper purpose by conveying messages about one’s identity, beliefs, values, and aspirations. When utilized effectively, fashion can profoundly impact personal and professional growth, boosting confidence, attracting opportunities, connections, and making a strong statement. Through my designs, I aim to empower women beyond superficial beauty. My objective is to create fashion that resonates with their inner selves, supporting their journey of self-expression and success.”

Designing for Ambition

The Worlds Times: What elements do you consider when designing for ambitious or successful women?

Rosa Faizzad replied, “Our style DNA and aesthetic closely align with the preferences of royals, top politicians, and high-profile professionals who aim to express their style, personality, and femininity with elegance. When designing for my target clients, I focus on creating pieces that are classic, timeless, and elegant. Each design incorporates a touch of femininity through bold details, vibrant colours, or unique elements. My aim is to ensure that the styles align with their personalities and professional roles, helping them to be recognized as equals, respected, and appreciated for their qualities, talents, and elegance. Our designs always maintain a feminine aesthetic without being overly revealing, enhancing a woman’s appearance without objectifying her.”

Colour Psychology & Self-Expression

The Worlds Times: Could you elaborate on the importance of colour psychology and self-expression in your designs?

Rosa Faizzad replied, “Colour psychology is crucial to our designs because research indicates that colours can evoke specific emotions and reactions. We use this knowledge to create pieces that not only visually appeal but also resonate deeply with the wearer and those around them on an emotional level.

Self-expression through fashion is essential as it allows women to communicate their personality, beliefs, and values non-verbally. Since our clothing covers a significant portion of our body, it’s vital to be mindful of the messages we convey about ourselves and ensure they align with our true intentions.”

Empowering Femininity

The Worlds Times: What message do you aim to convey through ROSA FAIZZAD’s designs?

Rosa Faizzad replied, “The core message of ROSA FAIZZAD is to celebrate the multifaceted nature of women and challenge societal norms by promoting the idea that women are capable of more than just beauty. Through our clothing, we seek to install confidence and self-worth in women, encouraging them to pursue their dreams with sincerity and assurance. We firmly reject the notion that femininity is a weakness and instead encourage women to take pride in their identity.

Our goal is to empower women to be confident in their abilities and aspirations, free from the constraints of out-dated stereotypes or societal expectations. This message is crucial because it is vital for the next generation of girls to understand that their gender and femininity do not limit their potential for success.”

Embracing Femininity in Modern Fashion

The Worlds Times: How do you view the intersection of femininity and success in today’s fashion industry?

Rosa Faizzad replied, “In today’s fashion industry, there’s a growing understanding that femininity can enhance rather than hinder success. At ROSA FAIZZAD, we embrace this intersection by celebrating feminine qualities – like grace, elegance, and sensitivity – as strengths. Our designs aim to redefine success for women, demonstrating that women can embody both power and femininity simultaneously. We strive to foster a more inclusive definition of beauty and achievement through fashion.”

Transforming Fashion

The Worlds Times: In what ways does ROSA FAIZZAD contribute to changing perceptions of fashion as superficial?

Rosa Faizzad replied, “At ROSA FAIZZAD, we strive to reshape the perception of fashion by emphasizing its transformative power beyond mere aesthetics.

We advocate that clothing is not just about appearance but a crucial element in personal empowerment and professional success.”

The Inspiring Stories of Our Wearers

The Worlds Times: What inspires you most about the women who wear ROSA FAIZZAD?

Rosa Faizzad replied, “I find my greatest inspiration in the women who wear my designs. Their stories of resilience, ambition, and sincerity resonate deeply with my own personal values and beliefs. They inspire me because they boldly pursue their goals while staying true to themselves, navigating challenges without giving up their femininity. They indeed prove that femininity and success can go hand in hand. It’s incredibly fulfilling to know they understand, support, and appreciate my efforts to make a positive impact through my artistic approach, and I am truly honoured to have such inspiring women proudly and publicly represent my brand.”

Future Vision for ROSA FAIZZAD

Lastly we asked, “What future aspirations do you have for ROSA FAIZZAD?”

“My vision for ROSA FAIZZAD is to establish our brand as a definitive symbol of empowerment and style in the fashion industry. We are dedicated to serving as supportive companions on the diverse journeys of women, both personal and professional. I envision ROSA FAIZZAD becoming the top choice for bold, ambitious, and successful women who value fashion as a tool for personal branding and who feel underserved by current options. Our mission is to effectively bridge this gap by becoming their ultimate go-to brand. This aspiration is more than just a goal; it’s a commitment to redefine the concept of dressing with purpose at its core.” Rosa Faizzad concluded

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