National Senior Citizens Day

Do you have an elderly person in your life that you love and appreciate?

National Senior Citizens Day, celebrated on August 21, is the perfect time to show them how much you care and to recognize their accomplishments. In 1988, President Ronald Reagan established this holiday to raise awareness about the issues that affect senior citizens and their quality of life.

Today, many seniors remain active in their communities and continue to contribute to the workforce. For all they have done and continue to do, senior citizens deserve our gratitude!

When is National Senior Citizens Day 2024?

Respect and cherish senior citizens on National Senior Citizens Day on August 21.

History of National Senior Citizens Day

National Senior Citizens Day recognizes the contributions of seniors who have spent their lives making society better. With advancements in healthcare, older citizens are now more active and productive than ever before. Many seniors are starting second careers, serving as role models for younger generations. The hard work of our senior citizens has laid the foundation for the country’s stability, and they deserve our deepest gratitude.

In 1988, President Ronald Reagan established National Senior Citizens Day by signing Proclamation 5847, designating August 21 as a day to honor seniors. He emphasized that older people have significantly contributed to our families, communities, and country throughout history and continue to do so. Reagan urged us to show our appreciation by ensuring that our communities are places where older adults can thrive, maintain independence, and live with dignity.

Reagan’s message remains relevant today, as seniors lead increasingly productive lives. He himself set an example by becoming U.S. President at 69 and serving until he was nearly 78, making him the oldest person to hold and leave the office at that time. Reagan lived to the age of 93, showing that age doesn’t limit one’s ability to achieve greatness.

By 2035, the U.S. Census Bureau projects that about 78 million people aged 65 and older will live in America, outnumbering those under 18 for the first time in the nation’s history.

National Senior Citizens Day timeline

National Senior Citizens Day timeline
National Senior Citizens Day timeline


There are many traditions tied to senior citizens, as they were the ones who helped shape the customs we grew up with. Take the time to recreate your family’s traditions today, and make sure to include your grandparents and other elderly family members in these special moments.

By The Numbers

22% — The expected increase in the population of people aged 60 and older by 2050.

2020 — The year when the number of people aged 60 and above surpassed the number of children younger than five.

80% — The percentage of elderly people who will live in low and middle-income countries by 2050.

60 — The age at which a person is considered a senior citizen.

3.6% — The percentage of people over 65 who reside in nursing homes.

4 in 5 — The number of older adults who will face at least one chronic illness.

50% — The percentage of elderly individuals battling at least two chronic diseases.

75 — The age at which one in three elderly people stop engaging in physical activity.

99% — The percentage of people aged 65 and above who have health insurance.

⅓ — The portion of subsidized housing occupied by elderly individuals.

20 to 22% — The percentage of the population over 65 in the three oldest states in the U.S.

National Senior Citizens Day FAQs

What is National Senior Citizen Day?
National Senior Citizens Day is a day dedicated to recognizing the achievements and contributions of the older adults in our country.

What is the age of senior citizens?
A person is considered a senior citizen if they are between the ages of 60 and 80 years old.

What are the advantages of turning 60?
There are several perks to turning 60, including benefits that are specifically for senior citizens. These often include extra healthcare coverage and other senior-specific advantages.

When should I start saving for retirement?
While individual circumstances vary, the general advice is to start saving for retirement as early as possible and to contribute regularly.

How to Observe National Senior Citizens Day

1. Donate to a Nursing/Retirement Home
One of the kindest things you can do is to donate essential items or gifts to a nursing or retirement home. Call your nearest facility to see if they need anything specific, or simply drop off some treats like chocolates or juice boxes. Your small gesture can make a big difference in someone’s life.

2. Reach Out to a Senior Family Member
Do you have a senior family member, like a parent, grandparent, aunt, or uncle? Take the time to visit them and spend some quality time together. If you can’t visit in person, make a phone call instead of texting. Let them hear the warmth in your voice as you tell them how much they mean to you.

3. Have Fun!
Are you a senior citizen yourself? Today is all about you! Take the time to enjoy yourself. Spend time with your favorite people, go shopping, or finally try that one thing you’ve always wanted to do. Whether you decide to have a busy day out or a relaxing day at home, you’ve earned it, so make the most of it!

5 Facts About National Senior Citizens Day

1. Get with the Times

Today, only 3.6% of people over 65 live in nursing homes. Older women are more likely to live alone, while older men often live with a spouse.

2. Senior Citizens Battle Serious Illnesses

Four out of five seniors will face at least one medical condition or illness, such as arthritis or heart disease.

3. “Get Off My Property!”

Over one-third of federally subsidized housing is occupied by elderly individuals.

4. They Are Technologically Advancing

Senior citizens are the fastest-growing group on the social platform Facebook.

5. Young at Heart

Around 15 million senior citizens actively volunteer in various ways.

Why National Senior Citizens Day is Important

A. Seniors Give Wise and Useful Advice
Our elderly family members and friends have a wealth of experience and stories to share. Throughout history, cultures have turned to seniors for wisdom and guidance. Whether we’re facing challenges or just need a fresh perspective, seniors are often the first ones we seek out. By listening to them, we can learn valuable lessons.

B. Seniors Give Generously
Seniors are known for their generosity, often making more charitable donations than any other age group. They also have more time to volunteer and help others. We truly appreciate how they look out for their loved ones, and their giving spirit is something we deeply admire in our seniors.

C. Seniors Give Us Goodies!
Seniors have a special way of making us feel loved and cared for. Grandparents and elderly loved ones often spoil us with treats, make sure we’re well-fed, and show us extra kindness. We salute and appreciate every senior who has made us feel special in these ways!

National Senior Citizens Day dates

Year Date Day
2024 August 21 Wednesday
2025 August 21 Thursday
2026 August 21 Friday
2027 August 21 Saturday
2028 August 21 Monday

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