Moisture levels will certainly range from 30 to 70 per cent in Abu Dhabi and Dubai
The day will certainly be partially gloomy to cloudy over some areas with a chance of rainfall, the National Centre of Meteorology has actually claimed.
There might be rainfall of various strengths specifically over the seaside, north, as well as eastern areas, in addition to a reduction in temperature levels.
The Ministry of Inside released an alert late last night, cautioning homeowners to stay sharp as well as avoid driving at high speeds. The alert said:
” Weather Condition Alert: Because of the opportunity of the exposure of several areas in the nation to variations in weather please make sure while driving and stay clear of valleys and places where water flows.”
#الحالة_الجوية: نظراً لاحتمالية تعرض عدة مناطق في الدولة لتقلبات في الأحوال الجوية مصحوبة بأمطار غزيرة ورياح، يرجى أخذ الحيطة والحذر أثناء قيادة المركبة وتجنّب الأودية وأماكن جريان وتجمّع المياه.
نعمل معاً من أجل مجتمع أكثر أمناً وسلامة#الامارات_أمن_وأمان
— وزارة الداخلية (@moiuae) January 5, 2023
Modest to fresh winds will blow, strong at times with clouds.
Temperatures could be as high as 28ºC in the nation. Mercury is readied to rise to 26ºC in Abu Dhabi and also 25ºC in Dubai.
Nonetheless, temperature levels might be as low as 18ºC in Abu Dhabi and 20ºC in Dubai and 8ºC in mountainous regions.
Moisture degrees will range from 30 to 70 per cent in Abu Dhabi and also Dubai.
Problems at sea will moderate to harsh at times with cloud activity in the Arabian Gulf and also moderate in the Oman sea.
Last Updated: 6 January 2023